Why do we care? What's the big deal?
There is a lot of information about the evils of sugar and how detrimental it can be for our health, but do you know why?
Stable and balanced blood sugar levels are the basis of good health, ensuring energy levels remain consistent, brain function is at its peak, mood stays positive, weight remains stable, the immune system keeps strong, the heart stay healthy and so much more. Sounds great doesn't it!
Sugar, or glucose, is the main source of energy for our bodies, in fact it is the preferred source of fuel for our brains and what every cell in our body requires to function.
So, you would think the more glucose the better? Right?
Wrong! Sadly it’s not that simple. As with many things, the importance is balance.
A balance of the amount of glucose coming in from food and the amount that cells need to function… a tip in either direction can cause problems.
What actually happens when we eat carbohydrates?
When we eat carbohydrates, the digestive system breaks them down to release their simplest component - glucose. This is the case whether simple sugars or complex carbohydrates. When glucose is available, the pancreas releases the hormone insulin which tells our cells that glucose is available for use. Cells have receptors, like little doors, which will open in response to the insulin and take in the glucose for us to use as energy. Any excess glucose is stored in the liver as glycogen.
The body is miraculous and works like clockwork with the perfect balance of glucose coming in from food, stored glycogen in the liver and the amount of energy we need to function. In a healthy system when blood sugars are balanced, a chocolate bar or glass of wine will not cause too much of an issue.
So, what happens when sugar levels become unbalanced and are either consistently high or go up and down like a see-saw?
When we eat too many foods that are high in simple sugars like cakes or biscuits, the sugars are released into the bloodstream very fast which sends our blood sugar levels souring. This might give us an initial burst of energy but will inevitably lead to an sugar slump and energy crash which makes us reach for a quick high carbohydrate snack... and blood sugars sour once again.
This constant see-sawing of blood sugars can cause the body’s natural mechanisms to get confused and to become over-sensitive to changes in blood sugars, resulting in the pancreas releasing too much insulin. Constantly high insulin levels cause something called insulin resistance - this means the cells ignore the insulin and do not take up the glucose. This results in too much sugar in the bloodstream.
Excess sugar in the bloodstream is toxic, so to protect itself, the body has to store it somewhere. This is when something called lipogenesis occurs - sugar is turned into fat. These fats are stored in the adipose tissue which is located around the abdomen - that hard to shift fatty area or the dreaded muffin top!
How do you break the blood sugar rollercoaster?
The key = diet (Factors such as stress and sleep are also involved but the food we eat has the most significant impact)
Eat real and wholefoods
Eat as close to nature as possible. Base your diet around all the fresh foods that are as near to their natural state as possible - whole fruits and vegetables, good quality meats and fish, healthy fats, legumes, nuts and seeds. By focusing on these foods, you will automatically reduce the amount of added or hidden sugars you eat.
Swap white for wholegrain
Complex carbohydrates are less processed than white goods and, due to their multi-layers of fibre, will release their sugars very slowly. This will provide a slow release of energy rather than a sugar surge. Swap white goods such as white flour, white rice, white bread for whole grains such as brown rice, wholewheat pasta, oats and granary bread.
Include low Glycaemic Load (GL) foods
The GL is the rate to which a food raises your blood sugars taking into account the amount of useable carbohydrate. Foods with a low GL keep blood sugars levels consistent. There are many detailed lists online but the general rule:High fibre + least processed = lowest GL
Build a healthy plate of food
Ask yourself - where is the protein on the plate? Where is the good fat? This is how to build a balanced plate of food:Minimum of 1/4 protein - fish, meat, eggs, tofu, lentils
Minimum of 1/2 non-starchy vegetables (remember ‘eat the rainbow’)
Add around 2 tbsp good fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, olive oil)
Just under 1/4 of complex carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice, wholewheat pasta, sweet potato for example.
This will create a perfectly balanced meal and provide a slow release of energy and tons of nutrition!
Eat three meals a day
Digestion is hard work for the body and snacking can cause blood sugars to struggle to gain balance. Enjoy three balanced meals a day (as above) and you will find you may not need that mid-afternoon snack - if you do need a snack however, aim for high protein options such as nuts and seeds, oatcakes and peanut butter, crudités and houmous OR give these Date & Almond Energy Balls a try...
Date & Almond Energy Balls
These protein and fibre rich bites offer a delicious caramel sweetness and are a perfect mid afternoon snack as they offer a drip feed of energy rather than causing a sharp spike in blood sugars.
200g medjool dates, stoned
100g whole almonds
2 tbsp of your favourite nut butter
1-2 tbsp coconut oil
1/2 tsp cinnamon
Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until the nuts are broken up and the mix becomes sticky and it all comes together. Either press into a small baking tin or roll into individual balls. Refrigerate for about an hour.
Chef tips:
Experiment with flavours - add 1 tsp cacao for a chocolate fix, use a variety of different nuts from Brazil nuts to cashews nuts or add different spices such as ginger.
Nutritional benefits?
Dates - even though dates are deliciously sweet, they are packed with fibre will offer a slow release of energy as well as support digestion. Dates are also a good source of iron which supports energy levels as it is a mineral that is vital for the function of haemaglobin, a protein that transports oxygen around the blood system.
Almonds - these are a great source of healthy fats, protein and fibre so will be slow to digest, keep you fuller for longer and offer a great source of energy. Almonds are also packed with vitamin E, a fat-soluble anti-oxidant that is incorporated in all cell membranes where it offers protection from free radical damage, this can benefit all aspects of health but most especially cardiovascular health and can be antiageing.